also the ranking member of our committee at the time, spencer bachus, had put forward a program where central to the policeman would have been an enhanced bankruptcy regime for large, globally connected financial institutions. which i think as you well know is part of the financial choice act as well. so bankruptcy versus bailout. that would have been the key difference. and i think hopefully what we would have done is, with respect o federally insured depository institutions, insist upon high levels of capital and with respect to wherever we had a federal backstop, be it to mortgage insurance or m.b.s. hat we would insist upon traditional historic, bruent, underwriting standards and far igher levels of capital. mr. wallison: there was a will the of talk about dodd-frank, why did that not happen? mr. hensarling: i can assure you it wasn't from lack of effort on my part. i'm at least happy to say, as i'm sure everybody is familiar, the president did sign into law as 2155, it did not repeal dodd-frank but to quote our president, we at least did a number on it. so it at least substantial