and we compete for them, cable competes for them, other carriers compete for these backhaul resources. so i think it's been a bit of a red herring. i think it's an example of where every country -- every company tries to get what i call their fair regulatory advantage. if i can leverage regulations to give me a pricing advantage, yippee. that's great for me. i don't see it as having any impact on 5g whatsoever because that train has left the station. we're going to see 5g built out. >> the fcc, though, is looking at quiteses in that special access. -- prices in that special access. they like to call it data services as if that's a better term. [laughter] i think they're sort of similarly clunky terms. what do you see coming out of this fcc investigation? what are your concerns? >> guest: you know, i think the fcc's been a bit misled because be they look at that market and say, you know, two providers, big companies with lot of lawyers negotiating contracts, that's not enough, we need to price regulate that, then i would say, well, wait a minute. you're starting down this path of where