backstabber welcome to the kaiser report as we have been reporting financial melt through. the world uninhabitable for capital and so now we live in a financial no go zone you are slaves of the talks of debt that have been created to follow in which we are mr wealth and live out of talks explodes slow cheap station herbert tell us more max well i have proof of this not only the revolution happening in greece but we have the financial propaganda to convince you the slave of this toxic debt farm to continue incurring more debts one better self-esteem saddle yourself with mountains of credit card debt new study claims yes being crushed under a mountain of debt is typically frowned upon max but new research has suggested this could actually be a dream scenario for many young adults it claims those saddling themselves with credit card debt will feel empowered and feel more self esteem well i guess this research was financed by j.p. morgan chase. perhaps but the research was actually conducted by rachel dwyer an assistant sociologist at ohio state university and her study found t