paying customers, i might've added, but she was in no mood for backtalk. she walked past me without further comment. she was leaving to feed uncle willie and turn him in his bed as she often did throughout the day leaving the beauty shop as many as five or six times. if nancy saunders had her way, her great great-uncle story would have stayed. h where she thought it belonged. the first time she heard it she was just a child and she found the whole tale embarrassing and painfully 196 the year was 1961 in one in black and white people alike wanted to know, where the light-skinned others black or white. have a really been trapped in the cage and forced to eat raw meat? these men deserved respect. they did not deserve the gawkers that came by their house at all hours banging on the front door. that was some of her first the f memory of people banging on her door and the middle of the night. by the time i came on the scene, no one talked about savages, a woman with a no-frills afro whose skin was nearly white as the chef's coat she wore to work. she ba