of "bagby" willing to put himself in danger to hurt someone else.prise me that you did this a little bit. danny: did it? >> only because you jumped around so successfully into different genres and never sort packed really have been into one movie or film, right? oneso to return to the characters it seems like you , would almost -- like your wanderlust would want to carry you somewhere else and you would not want to go back necessarily? danny: it became the biggest challenge of all. once you broached the idea, could you return to it? and make something decent that would stand beside it? so it wasn't like you were going to repeat something you knew you could do or were familiar with. studios often want to hire you because they think you can do a certain genre. they think, oh, you are good at that, get him to do that. it wasn't that. it was, could we move it on? in 20 years, such an extraordinary time span. because it is the perfect time span for that telescope of time, where, depending on which way you look on the telescope, it's either almost out of