she lives in bagley avenue. she said no plow has come through. they've called 311 and they're pleading for help to get to work. >> i would be ticked off too. >> scott, runza warehouse who was living in wellers burg he said his warehouse isn't savaged. they're trying to keep their workers safe. that's good, scott, we're glad to hear that. in the meantime,, feel free to hit us up there. let's send it out to cherie who has been linking out of a live truck. >> reporter: now we're in edgewood in hartford county where yes, the snow is still coming down. mixed in with a little sleet here and we're overlooking here route 24 and actually you can see one of the guys here. good morning. you can see one of the guys with the little trucks. they're trying to clear out the parking lots in. that's pretty much what we're seeing on the roadways is people tackling the parking lots of the businesses here. route 24 still a little snow covered. we see one lane on each side that's been cleared. not in the best shape. this year is edgewood road. definitely