bahadari jahrami said the purpose of this resolution is to accelerate the implementation of the nationalsing movement program and support the livelihood of the armed forces. mechanisms for predicting the required land and predicting the required facility resources and implementation processes so that, god willing, in the field of the armed forces , suitable constructions and renovations can be made in the field of houses. let me tell you about an organization that did it. it was predicted in this regulation , its contents were already predicted in the budget, and in a way, the regulation was the last executive duty of the budget, the text of which is in the ministerial meeting today. it is final and announced . it will be announced. also, with the announcement of the government spokesman, the cabinet of ministers approved a bill to be submitted to the parliament in order to support elites and companies of scientists and technology activists in the field of civilian drones. the government board is also for the economic growth of the border provinces with the membership of the governors of