bahadur jahran, your time. we will keep your back with timers and cameras in front of you. please keep the time in mind in your answers . tell us the type of supervision of the guardian council , what is its legal basis. point out that there is a question of discretionary supervision, and a survey is actually involved . there is no or other types to explain . thank you. if it is a survey , he will only proceed with the supervisor's information. in contrast , it is an informational or survey supervision. it is obvious that the council's supervision the guard has no information, which means that it is not logical at all for the election supervisor, whether it is the guardian council or any other authority, to come and say, i watched , i watched, i saw violations, i saw the entry of unqualified people. which occurred as a result. elections, which are also included in the examination of the qualifications of the candidates, are also included in the holding of the elections, the counting and summation of the votes, and the announcement of the final results, so we call it effecti