people like behzad, his wife bahar, and their son diako.he young family now wants to try its luck elsewhere. ♪ host: we're depleting our planet's resources at a startling rate. since 1970, the amount of raw materials extracted has tripled. in 2017 it was 92 billion tons per year. over the next 40 years, that's set to doublble, to 190 billin tons. large stretches of land have already become desert. and in many areas, the water, air, and soil have become toxic, poisoning those who live there. reporter: looking at these children, you'd have no idea how much poison is hidden inside them. the director of cerro de pasco elementary school says the first signs are learning and concentration deficits. [translated] >> blog often comes out of -- blood often comes out of their nose when they sneeze. they can't pay attention for long. i'm sure it's to do with the lead in their blood. reporter: the elementary school is located right next to a place that dominates the town of cerro de pasco, a gigantic open pit mine in the central andes. zinc, silver, and