based on, you know, the whole idea -- you know, i don't know if you know this iranian journalist, bahariere are real enemies in the world and really just bad evil things. but there are lot less of them than we probably from watching all this stuff think that there are. and that's all that i try and remember in my own head to keep saying. you've got to understand, i watch this stuff like, you know, clockwork orange. i'm strapped to my chair. if you watch local news all the time, you're going to think something terrible is going to happen to your family. you will feel the fear more than -- >> i will definitely be afraid of driving. >> the intestinal flu. here's what's the most amazing thing about the interview. i have not thrown up once while we were doing this. you, my friend, are like ginger root. you are the ginger root of interviews in that you have pulled things out of me that i never knew were there and yet i leave not nauseous. and that is a wonderful gift and a talent you bring to the news world in a way that most people don't and i