we visit baidoa. i'm standing in one of 70 encampments in what used to be the town of but it's now becoming the fastest-growing tent city in all of africa. 500,000 internally displaced. thousands of people coming here every day. and look around you, it's tent after tent as far as the eye can see. at this save the children nutrition center, this mother pulls me aside. she's so intread bly thin. her name is garan hassan. her baby is malaika, 18 months old. malaika's arm barely two inches around. they weigh her in that bucket. too sick to stand, too weak to cry. garan says her husband died from hunger-related illness. the staff recommend malaika be hospitalized, but garan says she can't right now. she has six other children to care for. but despite what's happening here, the somali government has yet to declare a famine. >> for me, the declaration of famine, it's irrelevant. because right now -- look, look, around you. what is this, if this is not famine? >> reporter: the next day, the save the children