which is a very, very popular product, it's called "baidu wenku", the chinese name of it is the baidu libraryit allows people to upload materials that they have that are either of their own creation, or that they have the... the intellectual property rights to, to our site. >> some of the enthusiasts for google's way of gathering data - and its not just google at all, i mean, its silicon valley in general. it's the current cultural moment. it includes the other silicon valley companies, but also the modern world of finance and also the modern world of spy craft for states, and also the modern world of criminality, and the modern world of insurance and health care - all these things have this idea, that you grab all this data in order to become very powerful you create a differential in your ability to see information versus an ordinary person. and you create these new incredible castles of power. but it's okay, it not just traditional power-mongering because you are 'making the world more efficient'. >> shortly after the launch of google books, at different events i ran into larry page and se