bore gan, bair sterns which merged with j.p. morgan. i have it all here. so our swap providers are j.p. morgan, merrill, and goldman. >> supervisor avalos: how many of those were part of libor manipulation? >> if i were the chart it was j.p. morgan, just one. >> supervisor avalos: do you know how our airport swaps differ from the h&r museum swaps? >> i don't know the nature of the asian museum swap. that's all the information i have. thank you. >> good afternoon. jay hugy from the san francisco retirement system. retirement system staff and our consultants have been evaluating the potential libor related losses in the portfolio since the city of bawlt more filed its suit in the summer of 2012. we initiated this investigation or the evaluation pursuant to the retirement board's securities litigation policy which it adopted in 2005, and is an ongoing policy where we have consultants and staff routinely monitor securities litigation related to any potential holdings that we would have in the trust. the scope of our evaluation included all of our assets, all o