y to bajor but i'm worrrrd about molly. she's getting old enough to know when something's wrong. i think she'e'scared. it's only natural. oh, by the way, i ordered two sets ofofhose new deridium-alloy darts i told you about. they should be here next week. darts? we're facing a major interstellar war and you're thinking about darts? life must go on. besides, i have a feeling things are going to turn out for the best. your asparagus with yamok sauce. the last of my fresh asparagus, i might add. not that i'll need to stock it anymore. somehow i get the feeling there won't be much demand fororuman food once the jem'hadar have finished with this place. aren't you being a lilile pessimistic? am i? the jem'hadar don't eat, don't drink and they don't have sex enough, the founders don't eat and don't drink and they don't'. which, between you and me makes my financial future less than promoming. it might not be so bad. for all we know the vorta could be gluttonous, alcoholic sex maniacs. i never thought of that. i wonder what their favorite food is... good news. has entered bajoran space.