bajoran control toyukon. you are cleared to enter the system and proceed to deep space nine. thank you. (yawning) i could even eat quark's food. let's not get crazy. if you really want some good... what was that? some kind of high-energy discharge. it was pretty close. only 5,000 kilometers from here. just outside bajoran space. elevated tachyon readings, subspace shock waves. looks like a cloaked ship exploded. there's no debris. no residual warp fields. well, something exploded. let's take a closer look. bring us to 500 meters from those coordinates. approaching the coordinates. i'm not seeing any signs of... a ship's decloaking directly ahead. federation vessel, this is the imperial klingon shipkorinar. we are engaged in military exercises in this area. you will alter course and return to bajoran space immediately. this is major kira nerys. we're investigating an explosion which happened at these coordinates... you have been given a warning according to interstellar agreements. they've locked their disruptors onto us, major. take us home, chief but keep scanning the coordi