bajramsha selmani has also been thinking about the future of her family. she doesn't want more children, and she's dreaming of a house like everyone else. more than anything, she wants to send her children to school. she hopes that, thanks to the organization's help, her life will be better. ljatife, who still coaches soccer, says that the key to the future lies in the children -- and their access to education. and her motivation is their laughing faces. >> pretty much whatever we do directly or indirectly creates carbon emissions. and there's only so much human activity our planet can handle. let's say we all had co2 accounts with equal credit, then all citizens in the industrialised countrys would be in the red for a start. but everyone, including those who underspend, ultimately have to pay the price. that concept rings a bell, doesn't it -- but we're not talking about the global financial crisis. here's an insight into the global carbon balance... across the world humans generate carbon dioxide, a harmful greenhouse gas. whether we're flying in airplan