tight oil production in places like the bakan and eagle fyjord formations growing very, very strongly in 2012 and likely to continue along those lines as the industry gets more comfortable with tight oil development. how much tight oil production we could see in the u.s. is going to depend at least in part on what the actual reserve base is. it's still early days. looks pretty good, if we, in the eia reference case, that will support a certain level of production, but a high estimated ultimate recovery case, or a high total reserves case could push production or potential production numbers up even higher. the reference case is the darker shade here, but as you can see, there are a number of cases particularly with high reserves, where net petroleum imports shrink quite a bit as you get out to 2025 and 2035. obviously the net imports number is going to depend on not just domestic supply but what's happening with demand as well. so let's, you know, again look at some of the possibilities here. the reference case in the eia's annual energy outlook for the u.s. shows dependence on import