why waste your breath, bakari? i don't want to argue with you, i understand what you're saying, i get it. but it's not going to happen. that's never, ever going to happen. >> let me tell who you is not the right messenger for these folks. the folks who are out here protesting, the anti-vaxxers, the people who want to just die, it ain't me, you, or amanda. we have to find somebody, ron desantis, tim scott. they're putting all of us at risk. if i have to swallow my pride and say, donald trump, you created the vaccine, do whatever you have to do, go back to your folks. >> amanda, don't you have to start protecting the people who are following the rules? if you keep going, here is the carrot, here is the carrot, if you aren't allowed to do certain things that you want to do like go to a ball game, go to a bar, go to a restaurant, go to work, get on a plane, that might be some snincentive to you. but to think that donald trump is ever going to come around and somehow put out a message with joe biden is just -- it's not