work performed by precision engineering for wastewater enterprise, contract number ww-434, baker/blake/cook/ broderick/washington/francisco streets sewer replacement, approve modification number 1, to account for actual labor and materials required to complete the work under bid item allowances, decreasing the contract by $277 for a total contract amount of $1,447,943 and with a time extension of 51 consecutive calendar days for a total contract duration of 214 consecutive calendar days and authorize final payment to the contractor. c, approve the plans and specifications, and award wastewater enterprise contract ww-442, mason and powell street sewer system improvement and pavement renovation, in the amount of $4,920,357, of which $504,223 is funded by wwe/cip, $3,570,114 is funded by wwe/r&r and $846,020 is funded by dpw, to the lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive bidder, shaw pipeline, to replace or rehabilitate existing sewers and construct associated appurtenances and perform pavement renovation on mason, powell and bay streets. d, approve the plans and specifications, and award wastewat