bakhestanani, the past statements of these people since 2018 are preserved and deposited somewhere . the ceo of central depository company also said: sms related to justice shares, including registration for survivors, receiving interest or purchase and selling equity shares is fake and this company has no mechanism to inform people through sms. the total index and weight of the capital market on the first trading day of the week. were a decrease. the insurance group recorded the largest inflow of money and the banking group recorded the largest outflow of real money during transactions on saturday, 22 mehr. you, the capital market passed the transactions on saturday 22 mehr with a decrease in indicators and the total return index was negative at 91. it should be reduced and stopped at 2 million and one thousand hundred units. the hummus index was also open and reached 680 thousand units. the collection of transaction value the market shows approximately 360 billion tomans , the result of buying and selling of real assets recorded 64 billion tomans of real money outflow from stocks.