professional ball players ar obviously examples that kids and adults look to, and you know yoo chewing dough bakoshown to be very harmful and so, yeah, i think that's the right move is to ban the publicc display, if you will, of using f smoke less tobacco. >> reporter: now the crackow thk down would apply to all sportspo venues not just nats park but bt also verizon center.onte the dc council is having theirit public hearing this afternoonero before that representatives froo the american heart association,i the american cancer society anda also tobacco free kids will havh a news conference at the wilsonn building supporting this legislation and there's a second part it to, guys, which also alo would raise the age that someone can legally puha products in the nation's capitol raising it to 21. so some interesting thingsng thi happening here in the city today as it applies to our health namely the ill effects ofec o tobacco. >> bob, both the two parts of to that the raising the age and a then the baseball part of it oro a ren in a part of would those u be in the same bill like itse i either both go