baksal pays great attention to the fact that in all these physical quantities that act in the visiblent, and if one hundredth of one of the constants is changed, the world will collapse, the world order and everything there will be destroyed, therefore the constants maintain the stability of the existence of the surrounding world. few of us know or even wonder why the globe has water mass, 70% is the ocean, and only 30% of the land is water. here is the riddle, yes, in fact, modern scientists have solved this riddle, here is the most accurate calculation in structures of the globe, it is this mass of water that provides two seasons, spring and autumn, if there were no this mass of water, these seasons would not exist, why? the mass of ocean water is a huge thermostat that accumulates heat in the summer, smoothes out temperature changes, and in the spring , in biology, so you know, there is one question that no one, none of the terrestrial scientists, biologists can answer, and this is one question, where did the molecule come from? squirrel, there are many theories, but they... the de