i was privileged to join senator cardin earlier this summer in b baku, azerbaijan, in a meeting for the committee for security and economic development in europe, and i offered an amendment putting all the nations of europe that are in that oecd, the organization for economic cooperation and development, that we supported ratification of this treaty. it was adopted unanimously. they want the united states to be a partner in this effort. talk to a disabled veteran who would like to travel overseas maybe with his or her spouse, their children. i recently talked to a mother whose family emigrated here from italy, wanted to go over for a big family reunion but she has a child with a disabilities, and where they were going, no accessibility. she could have gone and left her son at home, but she couldn't do that. so she missed that big family reunion because of a lack of accessibility in italy. so, mr. president, it is a sad day that one individual on the senate floor would object to bringing this up. when it has such broad support. when it has such broad support. and, you know, i just want t