children working in a sweatshop in bal harbor. how old are these children? i give them a good life, i can assure you. better than they had. they have meals, a place to sleep, money for their families. they are children. to cleanse conflict diamonds? some of the world's most beautiful diamonds come from some very ugly places. i am merely answering a retail demand. nobody wants diamonds made like this. we're taking everything. everything in my store is not made from conflict diamonds. unfortunately for you, once they're polished, you can't tell the difference, so we're going to seize it all, including the children. wolfe: let's get these kids out of here. and turn myself in. so to speak. you're here because you want me to kill you. yet another startling revelation on the obvious. i will... kill you, clavo. this ends right now. i know. i know. so you take care. (grunts) take care, clavo. (sirens wailing) (monitor beeping rhythmically) we got him, eric. (whispers): h? yeah. i don't remember anything. you were shot in the line of duty, eric. you're in the hospita