. >> reporter: but there has been little peace since congregation board member maria balaban did whatconsider the unthinkable, suing to get juliet steer's remains dug up and moved out. >> she's not supposed to be buried there. she's not jewish. i had no idea what she was. >> reporter: paul steer was flabbergasted when her lawyer called him. >> what is all this about? well, my client don't believe your sister accepted the faith and she has to be exhumed. we're going to take her -- i said, man, get out of here. you can't do that. >> reporter: she is also suing her own congregation, even though they say she voted two years ago to create an interfaith section. >> this, to our right, is the jewish section. and to our left is the newly opened interfaith section. >> reporter: but balaban says this interfaith section was not to include nonjuiews without an ties to the congregation. >> i would never approve that and i did not approve it. >> reporter: paul steer is troubled that balaban hasn't objected to four other plots in the interfaith section. they're reserved by white families. >> there a