. -- on balboa st. and clement st. since refocusing on contiguous commercial corridors, we are focusing on geary boulevard to apply the ordinance west of the masonic to 28 avenue. we are still keeping the rest of masonic, moving a couple blocks east because it will not be a continuous commercial corridor. this legislation, first, it will activate the ground floor, which will bring life to the shopping clusters. it will provide an incentive for taller and more gracious ground force bases. this legislation will help to emphasize some important design elements and ensure that commercial course provide lively stretches in the neighborhood. this is inconsistent with the historical commercial corridors in this neighborhood. i would like to conclude with a summary of public comments we received. we received one comment before the comment period ended and four more afterwards. they are concerned about the adverse impact of this ordinance on the boulevard between -- on geary boulevard between palm and parker. a couple of blocks