an object, like this, obligatory everyday use, chic, pay attention , here from ivory kostya to baldazhnikwent to... as a gift to pyotr pletnev, professor of st. petersburg university, a friend of alexander sergeevich pushkin, and pletitnev always went with this cane to the university, where he was a professor, and gave lectures and did not leave the lectures, each time, not forgetting to note that this was pushkin’s cane, and even when pletnev became the rector of st. petersburg university, he... nevertheless did not part with it, he constantly used it, i must say that it is really very interesting, because on the one hand it is characteristic as a typical thing of that time, at the same time time, at the same time , the fact that pushkin’s name appears on this very, on this end of the cane, on this ivory baldagovka, emphasizes its significance for us, because any thing that alexander sergeevich held in his hands, any thing seems especially to us important, it still retains the energy of its owner. well, the second one is also, so to speak, no less significant and interesting - this is ,