balfor has been improving, but they have significant shortfall by labor said. we will meet to go over what they can do to bring more apprentices' on to the job. a couple of the other subcontractors are non- compliant server beisurveying. we're confident it will bring those numbers into compliance rapidly. i mentioned earlier we met this week with the bay area print and ship order naders association. this is a great resource to us. this is the apprenticeship coordinators from each of the trade unions that meets monthly to coordinate activities. we were able to present to them at their monthly meeting this week. it was good for us to make the contacts directly with the trade unions apprenticeships quarte go we can track what they're doing in terms of veterans, youth, and disadvantaged individuals, and upcoming needs, soe also talked about the upcoming trade packages and the needs we will have for a print ships and it made those contacts. we will go to the treasure island job fair next week to do out reach, as well us tpja will follow-up with north bay and south b