regard anything on republicans on that committee and he's said, while his staff has talked to senator balkas. he's not negotiating with him. if we have only three day left to produce a bill and we've not had a republican bill to decide what's the rerepublican on this? i say it may have, um... it may reflect the fact that i know our democratic friends know what a lot of us are thinking and that may partially be reflected but isn't as if we sat with them to write the bill. >> our news maker programs comes your way after tomorrow and 6 profit margins majority leader whip serving the state of arizona. we'll have open phones for 20 minutes before our next guest comes in. here's the number for republicans, democrats and independents. the "washington post" this morning. it's off lead story by paul cane, the headline, lawmakers reveal health care investments. the ties between those crafting legislation concerned health care and financial investments they have. senator majority leader harry reed has at least $50,000 vested in health care index. the republican from new hampshire has between $244,000 a