ballance. -- if you have a bunch of bills that have not come do yet, it may look like you have a lot of money, but you have to pay them. bills. a lot of deferred colleges and universities that are putting projects on hold in order to inflate this number to make it look at her than it is. is.etter then it governor walker has spent money that we do not have. this year, we are projected to spend a $400 million more than we taken. where way that i would approach ,his, and the projected deficit is that we have to make tough decisions. we have to get the economy going so we have revenues coming in. we have to make sure that we prioritize our spending based on economic development and getting the economy going. because that is what is going to make sure that wisconsin is in the strongest position financially, when we get the economy up and running. >> there is no disputing the fact, the facts are clear. wisconsin just finished its last 2014, year, june 30 of with a $570 million surplus. million dollars o surplus. billion figure comes from an assumption of zero growth. that just does not hap