staff will hold another publbl meeting tonight to discuss the 27-cent levy on the november third ballott. ballott.they say the measure wod support things like chidrens programs, open hours, and materials that could be in danger if vers don't approve the levy.staff say the proposal would help maintain cucuent funding levels after losing urces that have been used since the 2008 floods. if this levy does not pass, we will not be able to maintain current vels of service, which means to us we will not be able to ofr seven day a week serviceat either location. would start july first 20-16. for the average 150 thousand dollar cedar rapids household, the tax would be about 23 dollars a year.staff will be at thedowntown library tonight from 4-to-6 to answer any community questitis. hiawatha voters will get thier final chance tight to meet candidates running for mayor ancity council. council.the league of women voters of linn county will ld forums onight for both races at the hiawaa community center.the city council forum runs from 6-30to 7-45 and the mayoral candidates will speak from 7-45 to 9.v