what dubai is saying you then does money based on bally rations that do not hold and we borrowed on these valuations. we have to adjust the price of the assets, this should happen all the time in the financial industry dealing with the consequences of your actions is doing business. relating to new york, we have off balance sheet state entities not officially gained and people are depending on the too big to fail karen t. nobody would invest in a lot of the boondoggle projects if they did not think there was a bailout there from the state and for that matter people would not invest in new york or california if they did not think it was too big to fail. we have government distortions preventing states and cities from getting their spending. the same that comes from washington, distorts the market signals so they are unrecognizable. >> if your recommendations would in effect of monetary policy works because the fed has to effectively it is the ability across the. version that impose work create a barrier to the change in the liquidity in the markets? >> it means that the economy is better p