carried out using payment cards, only 16 percent is cash, well, you know, like the politician with balsttarerstandable, before... non-cash money, why is it for me, the more convenient it is for me ? i said that many they now use payment cards, while the theft of money from the accounts of citizens who use payment cards is quite large, more than 15 billion rubles were stolen last year, and for this they use various tricks , psychological pressure on people, sometimes even the person simply does not know, so somehow the data was taken over. his payment accounts transferred money remotely, the digital ruble is protected from this, the digital ruble, well, from my point of view, is 100% protected, and since its circulation occurs in the central system bank, in the computer of the central bank, obviously he sees, and the operations for the central bank will be transparent and understandable and he will track the movement, and since the system of the central... bank, well, is protected, much more powerful, so to speak, all the power of the state is on this is aimed, therefore the central bank gua