e.m.s., so we want to get there within five minutes. >> but firefighter union president rick hoffman says replacing truck six with the city's only specialized rescue unit will leave this peninsula in south baltimored and exposed. >> only takes a couple of extra minutes to get there. hold a match to your back side for two extra minutes and let me know how it feesms >> this is part of the plan to end the daily rotating fire company, what we've seen since 2009, and permanently close three fire companies. truck 10 on the west side, squad 11, and engine out near bayview, and truck 15 on east baltimore. >> moving to permanently disband these companies is more efficient, it's easier to manage for the chiefs that are here that have to do it day to day. >> no fire stations will be closed, and there will be no layoffs. instead, the plan calls for a complex redeployment of resources, including reassignments for some 72 firefighters. >> all we're doing is taking some firefighters that are assigned to one company and one area of the city and moving inside the fire stations. >> and in the process, he says keeping response times close to the national standard. but rick hoffman and his rank-and-file are absolute