the baltimore mottee says she is still in disbelief...descrrbing to us how her daughter was raped on october 4th she says it happened inside a classroom... during school hours.her mother believes her child's school failed her... and brushed the rape aside. 3pi am furious, i send my child po get an education...besides being at school my didn't want the board of education to get involved...if this was your child you'd be - the time and wasn't going to say anything" anything" the schooo did send her a letter...saying they are handling the case with the upmost caution and classrroo....but the boy e accused oo the rape...would sttll be in a nearby classroom...and still roaming the halls. phe little girl has transfered police are now innestigating. live in west baltimore, megann gilliland, ox45 morninn news. 3 the price you pay for for aa bootled beeerage.... could be going up again. again.the mayor wants o add three cents tt the bottle tax to paa for school construction projects.that's on top of the 2 cent tax that as already added last july to pay for city cleaniig.the new tax