him from five to 13 years old, and then, and then he moved to the spartak academy, then he went to baltiytsva, and how would you characterize your relationship after he left your section? well , as very good, he came to our academy, helped the children, gave them michi. uniforms, not often, but regularly, well, personally with you, andrey really valued my opinion, he always consulted if it was necessary to make some... a couple of times a year, he always congratulated me on my birthday, on holidays, well, and if there were any problems in the club, he always tried to call me first to ask for advice, that's it on the day andrey was killed, he called you, yes, and what did you talk about, yes, we didn't talk, i left the phone in the car and... three at most. and how many missed calls from andrey did you see when you got back to the car? six, six. that is, six missed calls because of problems at the club, and then andrey was killed. i have no more questions. damn, there was money there, no, she didn't see it, it was some kind of package, and she didn't see the driver either, it was a gray suv,