at the end of march 1942, the nazi invaders carried out the punitive operation "bamberg" against partisan detachments and civilians. the germans got together in the morning and the german went to the meeting and the matka meeting, the matka to the meeting to the meeting. nine villages were burned to the ground, here we have land there, they were not revived, more than 80 villages of the region were partially burned by the fastas, almost every village was partially burned, it doesn’t matter what it is partially, for example, 300 people could survive. these people were climbing at the window, and those with guns were flocking in front of the windows, crying, some were climbing on the windows, some were carrying a stove, some were carrying a loaf of loaves, i think that the skin of the stove wouldn’t burn there, the germans burned during the war, that’s all. they burned it down, only there was one hut left at the end. when the partisans entered on the fourth day, they did not recognize their village. it was deserted, disfigured, dead. of the 6,025 households in the oktyabrsky district, 3,539