oh, but if they end up in banbury in oxfordshire, well, the council might give them a £1,000 grant sorn to how drive. oh, it's the touch, isn't it? we can't go on like this. we can't. we are looking at the solution. we are looking at the solution. we are looking at the solution. we are looking at it. the solution is what they're doing in america. they've got this. >> some migrants are already choosing to leave the country voluntarily. >> and we have got this. >> and we have got this. >> the previous government, they wanted to deport us, but now they make the procedure easier for us. >> so you like the labour government? yes. okay, great. >> and hey, look, all of that being said, if you're still on the fence as to whether or not trump is doing the right thing and we're not, well, here is the insufferable marsh family. >> forcing. trust bookable offence and. circle of. you is hard to reconcile, with someone who means the capital offences. >> here. come again? >> here. come again? >> i watched that earlier. and now? now you had to. right. let's get the thoughts of my panel let's get the