these disasters throw up dust and dirt and especially in a dryer season and push comes t shove a band da bandana. and after a disaster is not the time to let your hygiene slip and it's a time to tighten it u and communitycable diseases and if it's wet and not yours don't touch it. gloves and every patient contac and don't touch blood and it's good rule to live by. hepatitis a and sal min nillia and geria and assumed to be in the fresh water in california and you get enough of the parasites in you and you will b in the bathroom for weeks and you won't be happy about it and make sure you have clean water stored in your disaster kit and be aware of the source of the water and hepatitis a and wash your hands. salminila and is it safe and should i be eating this and not properly prepared and know wher the food comes from. tetni and disease -- oh you stepped on a rusty nail and it' not exclusively rusty nails and you have a cut and open wound and at the timeu at the time dm here and these are the first things you check for in any patient you see. if they don't have an air way they can't breathe and th