lab in new york city, a lab in cambridge massachusetts, a lab in cambridge england, a lab in bangalore india and we also have a sister lab in beijing, china. and all of us do basic research in computer science and other disciplines. >> host: what are you most excited about that is currently in the pipeline and perhaps public? >> guest: i think one of the most exciting things that is happening now which you can actually see in some of the demos today is how we are really tackling the big a.i. problem the ability for machines to actually solve problems that humans are good at solving. so is, for instance, humans are really good at vision. they can look at a picture and tell you immediately what are the objects in that picture. machines up until very recently had a hard time doing that, believe it or not. but we have been making some breakthroughs in machine learning in artificial intelligence, that are enabling machines to come close to performing as well as humans in some of these tasks. and we're going to see this in speach, in vision, in natural language processing, in all sorts of paths th