so for example pakistan and bangella have much higher female labor force participation, and muslims in asian countries, and often we're too afraid to challenge the way that things are. >> it's a way of saying indon't want to. a man says that's not the way we do things here, it's a way of saying i don't want to. >> noreen, when you see these conferences, women's conferences that have been held periodically around the world, they often end with arguments of just that kind. >> well, listen, since the beginning of time, different forms of ideology have been used to really justify treating people differently because of what they look like or their race or their gender, and i think that we have to keep push being beyond that to say, women's equality is human rights. it is about building our economy. it's about taking care of our families, using a very microargument and a very microone. and i think that there have been great breakthroughs in the united states in terms of breaking through that ideology, but the reality is we