and into this valley, they may have originally intended to go to the gold fields an virginia city, bannock, maybe last chance golds up where helena is, but once they got a view of this valley and realize the agricultural potential, they decided to file their claim 160 acres and just stay right here. story realize that. he was not really a big farmer, per se, but he had some ideas for mercantile store, a cattle herd, and that was the main impetus. virginia city, like most mining towns, pretty rough place to live great he and his wife, ellen, were starting a family, so it really was not the ideal location to live in. so they came over here to bozeman. from there, the first he did was he went down to texas, used some of that money and bought an herd of longhorns. texas cattle, the longhorns had just overpopulated. during the civil war because so many men from texas who were serving the stars and ours and what they called the war of northern aggression. so you had all this cattle in texas, and you could get ahead of longhorns anywhere from five dollars to $10. if you had a longhorn and you cou