the farewell address is bantied about because washington in it warns us against secession and disyunt jackson's entire farewell address is basically a resume nation on washington's wisdom in the farewell address saying when washington wrote that we didn't know the constitution would work, we know it does now, don't be seduced by the claims of succession. daniel webster and other folks are arguing both sides of it. abraham lincoln uses a riff in the farewell address as part of his core 1860 stump speech justifying or defending the newly formed republican party against attacks. it's not a regional party, it's a national party, and that this is a party of progress, which i think is sometimes lost. and then during the civil war, the confederates try to claim washington as one of their own, too. you know, they say that washington was a southerner and a plantation owner and a slave owner and a rebel. ergo, he's one of us. there's a debate in the run-up of civil war about whether the farewell address should be bought because john david claypool finally kicks the can and his executors put it