of his friends left, a sign of solidarity, in fact they were just as bad, you think they killed the bantuoesn't explain much, we'll work with what we have, vadim, take care of this vustin... friends, study the dossier on them, read the characteristics, maybe you'll find something to latch on to, got it, max , well, you and i will go somewhere for a ride, where, our robbers had stolen cars, and so on one of them... the gps beacon went off, but why was it silent before? well, apparently, at first they jammed the signal, and now they drove too far from the place where they abandoned the car, so the signal and erupted, relaxed, that means relaxed. imagine that you are a criminal, trying to escape from being chased in a stolen car, an interception plan has been announced in the region, what will you do? well, i’ll just abandon the car, that’s all, the criminals thought exactly the same way, they abandoned one stolen car, moved into another , obviously waiting for them right here, hello, i assume you’re the owner of the car, well, sort of, excuse me, we , we need to examine it. she will help us