bao tran lai-nguyen tries to eat organic but doesn't consider herself a food snob. i haven't been criticized to my face about eating organic but i know that there's criticism out there for people that do eat organic. some people think it's just a hype but for me i think it's better for my body, better for the environment. so thats why i choose organic so i dont really mind what people say. no study from either side of the organic argument definitively proves a difference in health benefits. the studies have proven only that the nutrition in the organic food is the same as the nutrition in non-organic food. like fruits and vegetables and stuff aren't really proven to have any difference nutritionally from like normal farming products that is a lot more eco-friendly. but the question is not whether the nutritional value is different. the question is how bad the pesticides are for the people consuming them. if there was a study that came out proving that fruits that are not organic has not much of a harm on your body. i would still choose organic in the aspect that it helps our environment. it'