that's why baptisteries like pisa's were free-standing buildings adjacent to the church.e and spacious. a statue of john, the first baptist, the man who baptized christ, seems to say, "welcome to my baptistery." the finely crafted font is plenty big for baptizing adults by immersion, medieval-style. the highlight here for most is the remarkable acoustics, resulting in echoes long enough to let you sing three-part harmony... solo. [ singing harmonizes with echoes ] [ singing echoes ] - tuscany is known for its agritourism. you can actually stay on farms and vineyards, where the kids enjoy picking fruits and veggies straight off the vine. - nathan, come get the biggies! - and learning to whip all these fresh foods into a proper italian meal. - are people gonna eat these? - yeah. - so come along as we eat our way through tuscany. - pizza! - mint and chocolate. - mama mia! - and maybe we'll have the chance to explore the infamous tuscan countryside and medieval towns along the way in... both: travel with kids: italy! female announcer: this program is brought to you by... home