is defined as a large or promile event in the city where spd, special manage street closures and baracade and special investigation division manages homeland security unit is assigned to potential terrorists or criminal attack. it's not for everything. i do believe that it's a false evaluation. it's not in the legislation. for significant public safety events, sfpd can only use live monitoring for purpose of deploying personnel and max of 24 hours. this is not in every event which just happened in my district when they burned down part of the armenian church. i also just had a serial predator attack another person in chess nut street, and yes it's a problem. they keep going out, this person keeps after women, attacking them and something needs to be done. we also know this is for visiting dignitary which i think is important. which i fear. people that want to do harm to san franciscoians and we know what they did before. and if you've seen recently, the amount of requests to our serves department in terms of those who want to carry guns in san francisco, has skyrocketed. so i do believe t