barack turner was convicted of felony sexual assault.egistry. he has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. he is restricted in where he can live, work, with whom he can associate. >> if you don't know somebody who's been on a registry. if you have no relation to that, then you might imagine that this is nothing. >> there is no one more vocal in defense of chenal than i am. but, the recall is not the right way to protect future victims of sexual assault, and prevent a another brock turn from happening. >> we need to shift our frame and thinking, about how to deal not just even with violence against women, but all kinds of violence as dysfunctional social problems. >> the energy and the kind of anger that really came through in the recall, was to quench the public's thirst for punishment. and for vengeance. do we want a legal system that does that? hell no. if we look historically, it was people of color, low income people who got slammed in the courts. as a feminist, that's not what i think the feminist movement should b