. -- very @ schreck -- baraitriia or have wheelchairs'. we will be the only project that has accommodations for all of those. l.a. does not have that. these people are putting up 110. they need to be allowed to do so. thank you. commissioner wu: thank you, sir. a couple of more names. [reading names] >> good afternoon, commissioners. i live just a few blocks from this project. we concur that this is a very important sites. we have been working for many years through several iterations to make sure this project is a good project. we think it has come a long ways. it is much better than it was. the site plan is more interesting, the architecture seems to be coming along. i want to talk about some urban design issues with this project. i am an architect and i do not believe that all architecture should be special. there's some places where it can be and other places where background buildings are important. i want to put it out there? i hope the designers will consider the gateway to waller park as an important part of this project. look at t