Jul 26, 2011
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barak obama dijo que esto serÍa imprudente e irresponsable.a como respuesta profunda. >> binner entendÍa que estados unidos no podÍa cesar en sus pagos el presidente barak obama no va a recibir de la oposiciÓn un cheque en blanco. dijo que si los legisladores aprobaran el mÁs reciente plan de los republicanos en la cÁmara baja y el mandatario lo firmara algo con lo que el presidente barak obama no estÁ de acuerdo. >> uno de los sectores que ya se ve afectado por la falta de acuerdo para aumentar la deuda federal es la aviaciÓn. decenas de proyectos de construcciÓn de aeropuertos quedaron suspendidas y ademÁs miles de empleados no van a trabajar porque no hay dinero para pagarles. pero los controladores aÉreos siguen trabajando. >> el cartero trae malas noticias para los trabajadores del correo, el servicio postal va a someter a evaluaciones el funcionamiento de 700 oficinas de correa. la mayorÍa de estas oficinas se encuentran en zonas rurales. van a buscar alternativas para reducir sus gastos. el extendido uso de la internet para hacer pagos
barak obama dijo que esto serÍa imprudente e irresponsable.a como respuesta profunda. >> binner entendÍa que estados unidos no podÍa cesar en sus pagos el presidente barak obama no va a recibir de la oposiciÓn un cheque en blanco. dijo que si los legisladores aprobaran el mÁs reciente plan de los republicanos en la cÁmara baja y el mandatario lo firmara algo con lo que el presidente barak obama no estÁ de acuerdo. >> uno de los sectores que ya se ve afectado por la falta de...
Jul 29, 2011
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es la segunda intervenciÓn creo en esta semana del presidente barak obama.ensiones internas que se viven en los movimientos polÍticos, en los partidos polÍticos en estados unidos. por eso esperamos con atenciÓn lo que vaya a decir en esta jornada el presidente barak obama. >> sabemos que le ha pedido a ambos partidos que dejen a un lado las diferencias y que realmente piensen en un plan que puede favorecer a la naciÓn. sin embargo, es un poco contradictorio porque igual no aprobarÍa el plan que estÁ presentando la cÁmara de representantes, el plan republicano, lo estarÍa vetando. ya solucionarÍa este problema durante los trece meses y no se tendrÍa que volver a tomar una decisiÓn en cuanto al lÍmite de la deuda. >> lo que sucede en este momento es que el presidente barak obama ha seÑalado que veta o que piensa vetar de salir adelante el proyecto de los republicanos porque considera que es cortoplacista y que no soluciona el problema a largo tiempo. que es lo que espera la casa blanca. pero los republicanos han seÑalado que no le darÁn un cheque en quanco a b
es la segunda intervenciÓn creo en esta semana del presidente barak obama.ensiones internas que se viven en los movimientos polÍticos, en los partidos polÍticos en estados unidos. por eso esperamos con atenciÓn lo que vaya a decir en esta jornada el presidente barak obama. >> sabemos que le ha pedido a ambos partidos que dejen a un lado las diferencias y que realmente piensen en un plan que puede favorecer a la naciÓn. sin embargo, es un poco contradictorio porque igual no aprobarÍa...
Jul 25, 2011
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barak obama detener las 1100 deportaciones diarias que vienen manifestÁndose.on una enfermedad congÉnita. >> quÉ es el amiloide, nuestro cuerpo lo crea, es el cemento para una casa, pero se empieza a poner duro y a sobrepasar las ventanas. vamos a hablar del corazÓn o el hÍgado, vamos a rellenar este corazÓn y se va a poner duro, duro, y nuestro corazÓn va a dejar de funcionar y lo mismo funciona con el hÍgado. >> el primero en enterarse que padecÍa lo de lo mismo es francisco que es el Único que ha recibido un tratamiento adecuado. >> estÁ difÍcil aceptar esto y me he decaÍdo mÁs por pensar por mis niÑos y mi familia mÁs que nada. >> el Último en ser diagnosticado fue el... >> no tengo seguro mÉdico. no tengo papeles. mÁs que siento nomás que... quÉ me queda? mÁs que... pedirle a dios. >> los cambios fÍsicos y emocionales han sido dramÁticos para lorenzo. >> sin poder trabajar, se van acabando las fuerzas, se fatiga uno. no puede tardar mucho tiempo ya parado, de pie. y pues, se acelera el corazÓn. >> la situaciÓn de los arroyo ha movilizado a los residentes d
barak obama detener las 1100 deportaciones diarias que vienen manifestÁndose.on una enfermedad congÉnita. >> quÉ es el amiloide, nuestro cuerpo lo crea, es el cemento para una casa, pero se empieza a poner duro y a sobrepasar las ventanas. vamos a hablar del corazÓn o el hÍgado, vamos a rellenar este corazÓn y se va a poner duro, duro, y nuestro corazÓn va a dejar de funcionar y lo mismo funciona con el hÍgado. >> el primero en enterarse que padecÍa lo de lo mismo es...
Jul 28, 2011
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cuÁntas medidas ha presentado el presidente barak obama? 0. ponga en el senado para que sea votado pero esta es la realidad. dos veces hemos pasado un proyecto de ley y el senado 0 veces y el presidente, dÓnde estÁ el plan de Él? es fÁcil criticar pero nosotros estamos presentando proyectos porque no queremos una banca rota y no queremos no elevar el lÍmite. estamos en favor de elevarlo pero con cortes. >> mÁs allá de los detalles que son complejos en estas discusiones, no le parece que el pueblo de los estados unidos estÁ cansado de lo que está viendo y de lo que estÁ pasando en los estados unidos. veo esta encuesta que dice un 68 % de la poblaciÓn estÁ a favor de un acuerdo para elevar el techo de la deuda aunque signifique hacer concesiones en las posiciones de ambos partidos. no le parece que la gente estÁ cansada de lo que pasa en el congreso? >> y nosotros estamos cansados tambiÉn. somos parte del pÚblico tambiÉn y por eso, por segunda vez estamos presentando y vamos a pasar un proyecto de ley para ya resolver el problema. lo que queremo
cuÁntas medidas ha presentado el presidente barak obama? 0. ponga en el senado para que sea votado pero esta es la realidad. dos veces hemos pasado un proyecto de ley y el senado 0 veces y el presidente, dÓnde estÁ el plan de Él? es fÁcil criticar pero nosotros estamos presentando proyectos porque no queremos una banca rota y no queremos no elevar el lÍmite. estamos en favor de elevarlo pero con cortes. >> mÁs allá de los detalles que son complejos en estas discusiones, no le...
Jul 30, 2011
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in fact, the only person talking about tax increases is barak obama.uckily congress is talking about how do we cut spending to match the debt ceiling increase that we need to do and make it real cuts? not the business as usual, let's talk about spending cuts, but not actually do them. thank goodness we're actually talking about spending cuts right now. >> rick: go ahead, sir. >> let's be clear, the democrats in both the house and the senate have agreed that revenues, taxes are not on the table with this round. they may be on the table later on and further discussions, but they're not on the table here. no one is talking about raising taxes. that issue is over. we just talking about what kind of cuts. there will be differences of opinion on what should be cut, how quickly, how much, but i'm confident that this is going to get worked out. >> rick: david, the congressman is right -- revenues are off the table here. but the one thing that enabled john boehner's bill to get passed in the house last night was tacking on a balanced budget amendment. there is
in fact, the only person talking about tax increases is barak obama.uckily congress is talking about how do we cut spending to match the debt ceiling increase that we need to do and make it real cuts? not the business as usual, let's talk about spending cuts, but not actually do them. thank goodness we're actually talking about spending cuts right now. >> rick: go ahead, sir. >> let's be clear, the democrats in both the house and the senate have agreed that revenues, taxes are not...
Jul 21, 2011
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y un comitÉ bipartidista convocado por barak obama no pudo ponerse de acuerdo.cortes porque impactarÍan a niÑos, hispanos, afroamericanos, ancianos. que dependen de esos ingresos y de estos programas. >> el presidente barak obama se ha reunido casi a diario con los congresistas para llegar a un acuerdo. pero al final de cada dÍa todo parece quedar igual. barak obama puso como fecha lÍmite maÑana 22 de junio para que se tome una decisiÓn. >> muchas gracias, marÍa eugenia, muy clara la explicaciÓn. volvemos al tema del dÍa. la exitosa misiÓn del atlantis. nos vamos ahora con july ferler ferrer que estÁ con los detalles desde la nasa. >> ustedes que tuvieron un lugar privilegiado para ver ese aterrizaje. >> tuvimos un primerÍsimo primer plano de cuando llegÓ el trasbordador atlantis. con hubo una gran audiencia. rompieron rÉcord porque hubo mÁs de dos mil personas asistiendo a este evento. hay una especie de nostalgia y alegrÍa, nostalgia porque cierra este programa despuÉs de 35 aÑos de historia. estÁ con nosotros el ingeniero rey dÍaz, tiene 28 aÑos en la nasa. q
y un comitÉ bipartidista convocado por barak obama no pudo ponerse de acuerdo.cortes porque impactarÍan a niÑos, hispanos, afroamericanos, ancianos. que dependen de esos ingresos y de estos programas. >> el presidente barak obama se ha reunido casi a diario con los congresistas para llegar a un acuerdo. pero al final de cada dÍa todo parece quedar igual. barak obama puso como fecha lÍmite maÑana 22 de junio para que se tome una decisiÓn. >> muchas gracias, marÍa eugenia, muy...
Jul 29, 2011
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decidir si desecha las acusaciones contra la gobernadora >>y la gobernadora demandó al gobierno de barak obama se deje de construir un muro en la frontera. >>y pide al gobierno que haga lo que tenga que hacer para salvar al estado de los inmigrantes indocumentados >>a través de sus abogados piden a la juez susan bolton que devuelvan al estado el dinero que gastan en trasladar a los indocumentados >>el gobierno federal no está haciendo su trabajo >>y dijo que hace más de una decada en dos casos distintos arizona presentó los mismos argumentos y la ley indico que no tenían razón >>pero a pesar de la decisión que tome la juez, la gobernadora dijo que seguirá presionando >>y la juez dejó en clar oque no tiene poder para presionar para que se otorguen más fondos para permitir seguir arrestando a más indocumentados >>y al parecer cambio de opinion, pues ahora sí quiere ser alcalde >>y piensa definir sus aspiraciones el fin de semaan el grupo comuntario progreso para todos ha gastado 60 mil dólares pidiendo a lee que se postule a la eleccion en noviembre >>y se busca ahorrar seis millones de dólares
decidir si desecha las acusaciones contra la gobernadora >>y la gobernadora demandó al gobierno de barak obama se deje de construir un muro en la frontera. >>y pide al gobierno que haga lo que tenga que hacer para salvar al estado de los inmigrantes indocumentados >>a través de sus abogados piden a la juez susan bolton que devuelvan al estado el dinero que gastan en trasladar a los indocumentados >>el gobierno federal no está haciendo su trabajo >>y dijo que...
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barak obama's speech was crystal clear. the missile defense project is not over because she. thought thier. but it'd work because the chair mark is in the prorated army capitulating and i don't understand the question. and i know why removing the razor wire you installed last year and the pro-rate are people capitalizing by removing it because he was on when scrap wood for the military police did not install the wire obstacle on them so i can't answer your question fine. will there be a read of it i don't have enough information to answer about who does. one who can't answer about a person time. other companies should our cameras take you to the action we now take you to a briefing recently opened by mr young fischer hello ladies and gentleman this morning just after midnight u.s. president barack obama called to inform me that his government no longer intends to build a radar base in the czech republic for the anti-missile defense system and beaches . but i doubt that if you look at the vote on it. then i immediately informed the president of the republic but article me out
barak obama's speech was crystal clear. the missile defense project is not over because she. thought thier. but it'd work because the chair mark is in the prorated army capitulating and i don't understand the question. and i know why removing the razor wire you installed last year and the pro-rate are people capitalizing by removing it because he was on when scrap wood for the military police did not install the wire obstacle on them so i can't answer your question fine. will there be a read of...
eye 30
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you but it goes barak obama's speech was crystal clear here the missile defense project is not over. i threw thier. on it and what was the chair mark is in the pro radar me capitulating i don't understand the question. i don't know why removing the razor wire you installed last year and the pro radar people kept it's amazing by removing it because he and i don't last with one when scott was in the military police did not install the wire obstacle on them so i can't answer your question fine but. will there be a debate at all i don't have enough information to answer about who does don't want to can't answer about our present time. but accommodate should our cameras take you to the action we now take you to a briefing recently opened by newsday young. hello ladies and gentleman this morning just after midnight u.s. president barack obama called to inform me that his government no longer intends to build a radar base in the czech republic for the anti-missile defense system. but i doubt you are capable of running. them i immediately informed the president of the republic we put our eco
you but it goes barak obama's speech was crystal clear here the missile defense project is not over. i threw thier. on it and what was the chair mark is in the pro radar me capitulating i don't understand the question. i don't know why removing the razor wire you installed last year and the pro radar people kept it's amazing by removing it because he and i don't last with one when scott was in the military police did not install the wire obstacle on them so i can't answer your question fine...
Jul 16, 2011
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eight, ten, twelve at this point, but the latest one according to what i found is the system versus barak obama which is just out now? >> yeah. >> that's it. that's the intrough. [laughter] >> okay. i'll do the rest. nick was worried that this panel would be insufficiently controversial between the panelists, so i'll do what i can about that. first i'm going to have a short argument with myself. [laughter] then i'm going to have an argument with garrett, and then i'll try to implicate nick somehow. >> notice katrina pays a salary and keeps controversy from eric. >> high two figures. [laughter] >> [inaudible] [laughter] >> so i feel kind of like sibil on this panel. i can say that without too much explanation. [laughter] in my own head i have four competing arguments about obama that i'm not completely surf which one -- it depends on the day. they derive from really four seats i occupy in terms of my work right now. one is just what katrina mentioned, it's personal. he had me over for dinner five years ago when he just became a senator, and i had never been so impressed with a politician in my l
eight, ten, twelve at this point, but the latest one according to what i found is the system versus barak obama which is just out now? >> yeah. >> that's it. that's the intrough. [laughter] >> okay. i'll do the rest. nick was worried that this panel would be insufficiently controversial between the panelists, so i'll do what i can about that. first i'm going to have a short argument with myself. [laughter] then i'm going to have an argument with garrett, and then i'll try to...
Jul 18, 2011
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el presidente barak obama anunciÓ que en la casa blanca nombrarÁ al nuevo director de la secretarÍa del senado, segÚn los expertos barak obama nominÓ a... para evitar las controversias. cuya posiciÓn radical contra los bancos encontrÓ el rechazo de los republicanos pero tampoco serÁ fÁcil que lo aprueben a... porque es un aliado. >> tremenda controversia. >> los republicanos y demÓcratas no se ponen de acuerdo en ni un solo tema. >> en nada. >> queremos hablar de algo que a mÍ me llena de mucha femidad y es que nelson mandela cumple hoy 93 aÑos. antes del inicio de las clases de este lunes los estudiantes de sudÁfrica le cantaron el feliz cumpleaÑos. se pide a las personas de todo el mundo que se le dedique 67 minutos de trabajo comunitario. se espera que pase el dÍa de hoy en compaÑÍa de su familia. felicidades. >> uno de los hombres mÁs importantes de la historia, sin dudas. si quieres recibir noticias en tu telÉfono celular envÍa noticias a... (en pantalla) >> nos vamos a comunicar con paola elorza y los detalles del tiempo hoy lunes. hola, paola. >> hola, sacha, quÉ tal? félix! y e
el presidente barak obama anunciÓ que en la casa blanca nombrarÁ al nuevo director de la secretarÍa del senado, segÚn los expertos barak obama nominÓ a... para evitar las controversias. cuya posiciÓn radical contra los bancos encontrÓ el rechazo de los republicanos pero tampoco serÁ fÁcil que lo aprueben a... porque es un aliado. >> tremenda controversia. >> los republicanos y demÓcratas no se ponen de acuerdo en ni un solo tema. >> en nada. >> queremos hablar...
Jul 29, 2011
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we're looking at potentially 2013. >> we can't afford four more years of barak obama.nt of this advertising. >> clayton: those lines are stark, it's climbing uphill. >> it's climbing uphill. it doesn't do badly among democrats either because there are facts and those ads that are fact, that deal with real number, people trust. now, aarp has gotten an interesting ad an the issue of medicare and social security, very personal. this one is also effective. let's take a look. >> i'm a grandfather, a retired teacher, and i count on social security. here is what i'm not. a pushover. right now some in washington want to make a deal, cutting the social security and medicare benefits we worked for. with billions in waste and loopholes, how can they look at us? maybe we seem like an easy target until you realize there are 50 million of us. >> tell the politicians cut waste and loophole, not our benefits. >> clayton: frank, effective or ineffective? >> effective. he's looking straight to camera, he's delivering a message in very simple language. it connects to people. it puts them
we're looking at potentially 2013. >> we can't afford four more years of barak obama.nt of this advertising. >> clayton: those lines are stark, it's climbing uphill. >> it's climbing uphill. it doesn't do badly among democrats either because there are facts and those ads that are fact, that deal with real number, people trust. now, aarp has gotten an interesting ad an the issue of medicare and social security, very personal. this one is also effective. let's take a look....
Jul 15, 2011
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muchas gracias. >> el gobierno de barak obama vetarÁcualquier ley enenda que quiera... la informaciÓn en tu móvil. (en pantalla) >> vamos a pasar con el estado detiempo con paola elorza. adelante. ♪ ♪ >> vamos a empezar este segmento del tiempo en el trÓpico. ahora muy tranquilo donde sÍ puede un sistema que se estÁ vigindo dejar mÁs llias es en la zona dcentroÉrica. tiene una muy baja probabilidad de desarrollo tropical pero va a dejar lluvias. en san antonio, wichita en kansas estuvo la temperatura bordeando s 100 nuevamente. hasta el miÉrcoles inclusive en la zona de minesota, chicago mucho calor para el fin semana. el calor no va a mermar en texas. en texas y kansas, principalmente, el ganado ha muerto tambiÉn deshidratado y algunos incluso por exceso de agua, las pobresvacas bebieron tanta agua en algunos puntos spuÉs de tanto supuesto si beberla que murieron por intoxicaciÓn. hay tormentas esta tarde, temperaturas en los 82 pero los tres dÍgitos siguen para el desierto en arizona y texas. vamos a segu con karla y mÁs de despierta amÉrica. >> vamos a hablar de este
muchas gracias. >> el gobierno de barak obama vetarÁcualquier ley enenda que quiera... la informaciÓn en tu móvil. (en pantalla) >> vamos a pasar con el estado detiempo con paola elorza. adelante. ♪ ♪ >> vamos a empezar este segmento del tiempo en el trÓpico. ahora muy tranquilo donde sÍ puede un sistema que se estÁ vigindo dejar mÁs llias es en la zona dcentroÉrica. tiene una muy baja probabilidad de desarrollo tropical pero va a dejar lluvias. en san antonio,...
Jul 11, 2011
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lÍderes hispanos se van a reunir con los equipo de barak obama, entre los temas que se van a tratar estÁalor que ha obligado a las autoridades a emitir a emergencia sobre lo peligroso de la situiÓn. suspendiÓ un maratón a la mitad de lacarrera cuando varios atletas colapsaron en un medi de la compencia. se san san juan a mantenerse en la sombra, tomar lÍquidosusar sombros. hablando de calor una de las zonas mÁs azotadas por las temperaturas es el desierto de arizona por donde pasan muchos inmigrantes. si empre en situaciones de emncia son rescatados. tenemos mÁs detalles. >> desde principios del mede junio hasta finales l mes de seiembre es la temporadde mÁs peligro en el desier arizona porque el termÓmetro sube hasta los 150 grados f. >>lemienten los contrabandistas a los inmigrantes sobre los peligros y distancias que hay que caminar hasta los puntos poblados. >> 122 muertes se han registrado hasta el mes de junio. >> se cuenta con mÁs de 260 agentes entrenados con los primeros auxilios.existen 49 torres de rescate que mandan la seÑal directamente a las autoridades. >> estamos viendo l
lÍderes hispanos se van a reunir con los equipo de barak obama, entre los temas que se van a tratar estÁalor que ha obligado a las autoridades a emitir a emergencia sobre lo peligroso de la situiÓn. suspendiÓ un maratón a la mitad de lacarrera cuando varios atletas colapsaron en un medi de la compencia. se san san juan a mantenerse en la sombra, tomar lÍquidosusar sombros. hablando de calor una de las zonas mÁs azotadas por las temperaturas es el desierto de arizona por donde pasan...
Jul 19, 2011
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they made all the difference for barak obama.idifies after three presidential election cycles. they voted for john kerry, for barak obama, so we've got 16 months as republicans to make in roads before they become independents or democrats for the rest of their lives. >> alisyn: what is the republican party doing wrong that they are not getting these millenials? >> i think what we could do is we're pursuing the right answers. there are 37% unemployed and under employed. they're suffering more from this recession than any other demographic group. i think what we need to do is connect the dots to this generation. every dollar barak obama spends in this administration is a dollar millenial also have to pay back. this is generational staff. this affects them and their fiscal future. >> brian: we watched rudy guiliani make a statement sunday saying republicans got to do is stay out of the bedroom. he's against same sex marriage, but the decision has been made, leave it to the states. you looked at a similar situation in your book. corr
they made all the difference for barak obama.idifies after three presidential election cycles. they voted for john kerry, for barak obama, so we've got 16 months as republicans to make in roads before they become independents or democrats for the rest of their lives. >> alisyn: what is the republican party doing wrong that they are not getting these millenials? >> i think what we could do is we're pursuing the right answers. there are 37% unemployed and under employed. they're...
Jul 12, 2011
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barak obama dio la tarea a los legisladores de subir el dÉficit a 2, 4 millones de dÓlares. ♪ ♪ >> y en cuanto a las condiciones del tiempo seguimos hablando del calor excesivo en gran parte del sur de la naciÓn. otra vez latemperatura en tres dÍgitos en wichita, dallas, san antonio, ayer y hoy vamos a seguir con temperaturas bastante cÁlidas. de hecho estamos con alerta de excesivo calor. el calor se ha movido como se esperaba hacia el este de la naciÓn, las temperaturas estÁn superando los 100. >> la humedad en el aire es bastante elevada. hasta en 115 en esta zona, cuidarse a los niÑos pequeÑos. la noticia al norte de este calor excesivo son las tormentas y daÑos por viento, todos estos son daÑos por vientos en iowa, illinois, chicago, hasta 75 millas por hora los vientos que se registraron. y aquÍ las condiciones bastante ventosas tambiÉn, derrivos de Árboles en la zona de los grandes rÁpidos en el estado de michigan provocaron lamentablemente la muerte de una persona. en cuanto a las temperaturas va a seguir el calor, el california van a estar ajenos del calor excesivo
barak obama dio la tarea a los legisladores de subir el dÉficit a 2, 4 millones de dÓlares. ♪ ♪ >> y en cuanto a las condiciones del tiempo seguimos hablando del calor excesivo en gran parte del sur de la naciÓn. otra vez latemperatura en tres dÍgitos en wichita, dallas, san antonio, ayer y hoy vamos a seguir con temperaturas bastante cÁlidas. de hecho estamos con alerta de excesivo calor. el calor se ha movido como se esperaba hacia el este de la naciÓn, las temperaturas estÁn...
Jul 16, 2011
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taking her to task for opposing a debt ceiling hike, but comparing her to then senator barak obama who did the same exact thing back in 2006. in an interview on-line, senator mccain warning his party, the president obama could get leeway from what mccain calls a cheering media to paint the gop as responsible for any economic trouble caused by a default. joining us now for a fair and balanced debate, former communications director for house speaker dennis hastert and kristy, former spokeswoman for vermont governor howard dean, and the president of new heights communications. it's nice to see you both. thank you for being here. rob, let me start with you. is senator mccain right? >> i think senator mccain has a great point in that we want to get to some type of deal that does a massive amount of spending cuts, but doesn't do tax increases. i think to oppose a deal is extremely dangerous if we actually default, but right now i think every leader, the president and republican leaders agree, that they don't want to get that far. but we can't have tax increases because a tax increase is not
taking her to task for opposing a debt ceiling hike, but comparing her to then senator barak obama who did the same exact thing back in 2006. in an interview on-line, senator mccain warning his party, the president obama could get leeway from what mccain calls a cheering media to paint the gop as responsible for any economic trouble caused by a default. joining us now for a fair and balanced debate, former communications director for house speaker dennis hastert and kristy, former spokeswoman...
Jul 8, 2011
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it's a failure of leadership on barak obama.regulate people more, and if you ask small business owners like i did all across new hampshire, south carolina, and iowa last week and the week before, what do we need to do to create jobs? they won't tell you, raise my taxes. make sure i have more regulations and oh, by the way, if all else fails, have even more government. that's just the opposite answer. to clearly the president isn't listening to the american people across the united states. >> eric: congresswoman, by the way, congratulations on the recent uptick in moving up in the iowa polls. listen to what jay carney had to say in response to you no raising of the debt ceiling. >> there may be other members who feel that way. we obviously disagree strongly and think that it would be a mistake not to do that because we are talking here about the united states of america defaulting on its obligations for the first time in its history. the consequences of that, as right hand reagan believed, as president obama believes, would be si
it's a failure of leadership on barak obama.regulate people more, and if you ask small business owners like i did all across new hampshire, south carolina, and iowa last week and the week before, what do we need to do to create jobs? they won't tell you, raise my taxes. make sure i have more regulations and oh, by the way, if all else fails, have even more government. that's just the opposite answer. to clearly the president isn't listening to the american people across the united states....
Jul 27, 2011
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. >> president barak obama and joe biden witt--went there and said that we are so sad about the incident. 76 people have been reported dead all but eight of them were from the you can't. >> a live look outside from our roof camera. we will see less of fog overnight mainly just in the coastal in the immediate bayshores. tomorrow a warming trend will begin in that will last through the weekend. current conditions are about the same as will be saw yesterday's a few degrees warmer in some spots like south bay. >> let us talk a little more about the fog in shooting in the north bay or hours. it is scaling back rather quickly it looks like it will hug the coast line into tomorrow afternoon. temperatures out there tomorrow afternoon was starts to warm up, south bay locations into the 80's, for the most part upper 80s. our inland valleys will get a lot warmer out there tomorrow heading into the 90s and a couple of spots. 90 in antioch, 89 in pleasanton. for the east bay shore and it will be in the '70s. over in san francisco, 69 degrees there because of the fog staying in the low 60s coast side.
. >> president barak obama and joe biden witt--went there and said that we are so sad about the incident. 76 people have been reported dead all but eight of them were from the you can't. >> a live look outside from our roof camera. we will see less of fog overnight mainly just in the coastal in the immediate bayshores. tomorrow a warming trend will begin in that will last through the weekend. current conditions are about the same as will be saw yesterday's a few degrees warmer in...
Jul 5, 2011
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>> look, these ceo's aren't the first people who voted for barak obama, supported barak obama, and can'twhich basically is all about fairness, it's all about burden sharing, and it's not really at its core about job creation. no matter what these ceo's say, i don't see the administration moving and i think they'll have to because unemployment rate is 9.1%. if the president doesn't care about that economically, he should care about that politically. >> brian: i know about the corporate tax rate, it's too high. it was recommended we lower it. great debate. thanks. >> thank you. >> brian: meanwhile, 32 minutes left in the show. a lot coming up. media matters using tax free money to attack fox news. the irs not doing anything about it. the same agency stripped a gop group of its tax exempt status 12 years ago. remember that? then talk about dragged around excess baggage. wait until you hear why this guy jams himself into a suitcase. it was a dare. a video gone viral. a man claims a bird stole his camera. but is it real? i don't know what to believe in anymore. the answer next. ♪ [ male annou
>> look, these ceo's aren't the first people who voted for barak obama, supported barak obama, and can'twhich basically is all about fairness, it's all about burden sharing, and it's not really at its core about job creation. no matter what these ceo's say, i don't see the administration moving and i think they'll have to because unemployment rate is 9.1%. if the president doesn't care about that economically, he should care about that politically. >> brian: i know about the...
Jul 28, 2011
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. >> senator reid is it quite obvious at this point he is to try to re-elect barak obama for president their plans showed that savings may run short as well. they say senator harry reid plan save $500 billion less than propose. and bankers plan only--over speaks by $50 million. --by $500 billion. >> it is too bad that his caucus is being run by a small number of people and i mean the tea party. >> how a team party rally went on as supporters vowed not to back down on spending. >> the president said to call the congressmen and senators, but when you call them tell them to hold the line. tell them that we have to balance the budget. the political uncertainty is expected--reflected on wall street where the dow dropped as it has all week. investors and want something from wall street a so far they do not see it. >> and lawyers are not doing a lot of hiring right now but they're trying to hold on to their best workers. they're willing to pay to keep them, a new report out today says nearly all of the 1200 u.s. employers polled say they plan on increasing workers' salaries in 2012. this surv
. >> senator reid is it quite obvious at this point he is to try to re-elect barak obama for president their plans showed that savings may run short as well. they say senator harry reid plan save $500 billion less than propose. and bankers plan only--over speaks by $50 million. --by $500 billion. >> it is too bad that his caucus is being run by a small number of people and i mean the tea party. >> how a team party rally went on as supporters vowed not to back down on spending....
Jul 7, 2011
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. >> president barak obama took twitter to answer questions from everyday americans. >> americans havetheir minds. >> the big issue that everyone should be talking about is the economy. >> i think i would ask about the federal budget. >> when 6000 took to the site of twitter for the hacked obama. >> i will make history as the first president to live tweet. it was moderated by jack dorsett. of the president recently announced that he will compose some of his own tweets assigned with his initials he did very little typing of the zone. condensed version of his answers were tweeted out so that questions were limited to 140 characters of the president's responses were not. >> what mistakes have been made in handling the recession and what would you do differently? >> one thing would have been to explain to the american people that it would take awhile for us to get out of this. >> this follows a similar even at facebook headquarters in april as the president ramp up reelection efforts the goal of using social media could be to get young people on to his campaign. >> this could be a way to g
. >> president barak obama took twitter to answer questions from everyday americans. >> americans havetheir minds. >> the big issue that everyone should be talking about is the economy. >> i think i would ask about the federal budget. >> when 6000 took to the site of twitter for the hacked obama. >> i will make history as the first president to live tweet. it was moderated by jack dorsett. of the president recently announced that he will compose some of his...
Jul 13, 2011
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lÍderes del congreso acuden hoy a la casa blanca a negociar con el presidente barak obama.ruebe el mandatario. el senador republicano de utah dice que a pesar de la vsde millones de dÓlares de los dispositivos de seguridad de los aeropuertos de los estados unidos siguen siendo vulnerables a los ataques terroristas. dijo que desde noviembre del 2001 se han reportado mÁs de 25 mil violaciones de seguridad en los aeropuertos. bajo una nueva orden federal todos los comerciantes de fuego tienen que... como nos dice antonio guillÉn desde san antonio, texas, esta medida estÁ provocando controversias. >> es uno de los estados en donde la propiedad de portaciÓn de armas de fuego es casi un derecho sagrado. se obligarÁ a las armerÍas a reportar la venta de armas largas en mÁs de una unidad. >> por parte del gobierno federal estÁ siendo tomada con cierta filosofÍa por parte de los dueÑos de las tiendas de armas de fuego. que seÑalan que ante una orden del gobierno federal lo que tienen que hacer es seguirla al pie de la letra. >> nosotros queremos estar seguros de que estamos viendend
lÍderes del congreso acuden hoy a la casa blanca a negociar con el presidente barak obama.ruebe el mandatario. el senador republicano de utah dice que a pesar de la vsde millones de dÓlares de los dispositivos de seguridad de los aeropuertos de los estados unidos siguen siendo vulnerables a los ataques terroristas. dijo que desde noviembre del 2001 se han reportado mÁs de 25 mil violaciones de seguridad en los aeropuertos. bajo una nueva orden federal todos los comerciantes de fuego tienen...
Jul 19, 2011
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bush en ese momento y ahora la promete el presidente barak obama y no pasa nada. >> tienes tÚ mÁs deue amenaza a gran parte del paÍs. buenos dÍas. >> buenos dÍas. gracias, sacha, fÉlix. les cuento que no solo en estados unidos sino tambiÉn en mÉxico hay un alerta de huracÁn. dora es una fuerte tormenta tropical con vientos sostenidos de 65 millas por hora. afortunadamente no estÁ amenazando tierras, se estarÁ moviendo paralela a las costas de mÉxico. podrÍa alcanzar el jueves o viernes en categorÍa nÚmero 3, huracÁn. podrÍa estar en el ojo de proyecciÓn pero por el momento no se espera que afecte directamente la tierra en medida que se vaya alejando por la costa pacÍfica. otra tormenta tropical frente a las costas de los estados unidos, bret, ayer veÍamos alerta y avisos sobre las bahamas. estuvo arrojando 4 pulgadas de lluvias la tormenta tropical. se estarÁ debilitando con 50 millas por hora. sin amenazar tierra. pero el calor sigue afectando y es el centro de la naciÓn que sigue con avisos y alertas de calor excesivo. las temperaturas y la ausencia de precipitaciones van a permane
bush en ese momento y ahora la promete el presidente barak obama y no pasa nada. >> tienes tÚ mÁs deue amenaza a gran parte del paÍs. buenos dÍas. >> buenos dÍas. gracias, sacha, fÉlix. les cuento que no solo en estados unidos sino tambiÉn en mÉxico hay un alerta de huracÁn. dora es una fuerte tormenta tropical con vientos sostenidos de 65 millas por hora. afortunadamente no estÁ amenazando tierras, se estarÁ moviendo paralela a las costas de mÉxico. podrÍa alcanzar el...
Jul 4, 2011
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the pain, the absolute pain of the moment of the killing of bin laden is that we all feel the jz barak obamaget him, and we feel he had to kill bin laden to do it, but he had to kill the muslims to do it. a black president had to kill the muslim -- and then the white folks gave the credit to the white president who ain't round these parts no more. we feel that we know there is -- it was like black people wearing the nypd hats post-9/11, i never felt the moment. when i saw black men in the city of new york while rudy was the mayor wearing nypd hats as a reflection much their solidarity with the american state over against the islamic terrorists, okay, so our identities are complex, but the beauty of the nation and the beauty of alex haley's malcolm and the beauty of the christian god that enslaved people gave us is they are all about an incredible imagination that is outside of empirical evidence. my great, great, grandmother was sold on the street corner of richmond. she never knew anything but slavery, and she believed that god loved her. why? why would she believe such a ridiculous thing?
the pain, the absolute pain of the moment of the killing of bin laden is that we all feel the jz barak obamaget him, and we feel he had to kill bin laden to do it, but he had to kill the muslims to do it. a black president had to kill the muslim -- and then the white folks gave the credit to the white president who ain't round these parts no more. we feel that we know there is -- it was like black people wearing the nypd hats post-9/11, i never felt the moment. when i saw black men in the city...
Jul 22, 2011
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de que nos comparta los detalles de una entrevista que tuvo en la casa blanca con el presidente barak obama encanta. >> eres mi consentida, belleza norteÑa! cine. >> vamos al cine. tengo las mejores opciones. el que se vaya el fin de semana con su familia al cine, quÉ tal si vamos a ver de qué se trata? >> de la magia de las historias animadas nos llega el primero de los vengadores capitÁn amÉrica. en esta nueva versiÓn cinematogrÁfica conoceremos el sueÑo del dÉbil... y hasta que es seleccionado para un experimento que lo convierte en un soldado conocido como el capitÁn amÉrica. para interpretar a este peculiar superheroe fue escogido evans. pero que una vez que se puso el traje se sintiÓ mÁs cÓmodo y relajado y en especial cuando vio la calidad de los efectos especiales que lo hicieron lucir como un joven de menos de se 100 libras. el personaje de la soldado... lo que mÁs le divirtiÓ del rodaje fue entrenarse para las escenas de acciÓn y que los chicos la trataran momo una mÁs y no como a una niÑa. >> interpretado por el actor sebastian stand. se siente bendecido de haber participado en e
de que nos comparta los detalles de una entrevista que tuvo en la casa blanca con el presidente barak obama encanta. >> eres mi consentida, belleza norteÑa! cine. >> vamos al cine. tengo las mejores opciones. el que se vaya el fin de semana con su familia al cine, quÉ tal si vamos a ver de qué se trata? >> de la magia de las historias animadas nos llega el primero de los vengadores capitÁn amÉrica. en esta nueva versiÓn cinematogrÁfica conoceremos el sueÑo del...
Jul 1, 2011
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until election day 2012, it will be scorched earth against any republican who gets in the way of barak obamaere is something else going on. michelle bachman is a woman. she's a conservative woman. and that goes against the narrative of the enlightened lib rap. look at the coverage of hillary clinton over the years. it's the same thing as covering the same thing as thurgood marshall and clarence thomas. one a liberal black jurist, the other a conservative black injurist. a difference of night and day the way they've been covered. she threatens the liberal establishment. just like sarah palin. >> here is another even more creative attack actually. chris matthews going after her, really harkening back trying to make an attempt to even pull religion into this. take a listen. >> we have to recapture the founders' vision of a constitutionally conservative government if we are to secure the promise for the future. >> what is this, a prove san antonio reformation, somehow we're going back to the purity of the original christian church, we're going back to the original perfection of slave holders and
until election day 2012, it will be scorched earth against any republican who gets in the way of barak obamaere is something else going on. michelle bachman is a woman. she's a conservative woman. and that goes against the narrative of the enlightened lib rap. look at the coverage of hillary clinton over the years. it's the same thing as covering the same thing as thurgood marshall and clarence thomas. one a liberal black jurist, the other a conservative black injurist. a difference of night...
Jul 12, 2011
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increasingly pessimistic regarding deficit reduction and plans to introduce legislation forcing barak obama to request a debt ceiling increase. there's an august 2 deadline for congress to lift the $14.3 debt ceiling. >> well, hello, everyone, good afternoon. senator kyl and i will be going down to the white house shortly for our daily meeting to discuss whether or not we're going to be able to come together and take advantage of the opportunity presented to us by the president's request to raise the debt ceiling. one thing that i just had an opportunity to brief my members on is a sort of last choice option. if we're unable to come together, we think it's extremely important that the country reassure the markets that default is not an option, and reassure social security recipients and families of military veterans that default is not an option. senate republicans will be on the floor next week advocating a balanced budget amendment to require us to live within our means. all 47 republicans are behind that proposal, and we hope to attract enough democrats to pass it.
increasingly pessimistic regarding deficit reduction and plans to introduce legislation forcing barak obama to request a debt ceiling increase. there's an august 2 deadline for congress to lift the $14.3 debt ceiling. >> well, hello, everyone, good afternoon. senator kyl and i will be going down to the white house shortly for our daily meeting to discuss whether or not we're going to be able to come together and take advantage of the opportunity presented to us by the president's request...
Jul 20, 2011
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barak." thank you so much, author, salary jacobs for reporting this story. >>> when we return, president obama what reagan did nearly three decades ago in terms of his politics. very much modeling himself after the compromises of ronald reagan. you're watching "hardball" only on msnbc. [ male announcer ] this...is the network -- a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. as much as i can about a company before i invest in it. that's why i like fidelity. they give me tools and research i can't get anywhere else. their stock screener lets me search for stocks with more than 140 criteria. i can see what their experts are thinking and even call them to bounce an idea off of one of their
barak." thank you so much, author, salary jacobs for reporting this story. >>> when we return, president obama what reagan did nearly three decades ago in terms of his politics. very much modeling himself after the compromises of ronald reagan. you're watching "hardball" only on msnbc. [ male announcer ] this...is the network -- a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband...
Jul 4, 2011
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barak fall, activist groups refused to meet with her. who can blame them? the forces we now need to succeed in egypt, the pro- democracy secular political party is, these are the very people president obama and secretary clinton dismissed. the obama engagement policy in syria who led the administration to call the sheer allis not a reformer, even as his regime was shooting protesters dead in the street. president obama announced his plan to give them "alternative vision of himself. does anyone outside of a therapist's office have any idea what that means? this is what passes for moral clarity in the obama administration. by contrast, i called for his departure on march 29. a call for it again today. we should recall our master from damascus and i call for that again today. the leader of the united states should never leave those willing to sacrifice their lives in the cause of freedom wondering where america stands. as president, i will not. we need a president who folia understands that american never leads from behind. we cannot underestimate how pivotal this moment is in the least tern history. we need decisive, clear right leadership that is responsive to this historical moment of ch
barak fall, activist groups refused to meet with her. who can blame them? the forces we now need to succeed in egypt, the pro- democracy secular political party is, these are the very people president obama and secretary clinton dismissed. the obama engagement policy in syria who led the administration to call the sheer allis not a reformer, even as his regime was shooting protesters dead in the street. president obama announced his plan to give them "alternative vision of himself. does...
Jul 4, 2011
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barak fall, activist groups refused to meet with her. who can blame them? the forces we now need to succeed in egypt, the pro- democracy secular political party is, these are the very people president obamary clinton dismissed. the obama engagement policy in syria who led the administration to call the sheer allis not a reformer, even as his regime was shooting protesters dead in the street. president obama announced his plan to give them "alternative vision of himself. does anyone outside of a therapist's office have any idea what that means? this is what passes for moral clarity in the obama administration. by contrast, i called for his departure on march 29. a call for it again today. we should recall our master from damascus and i call for that again today. the leader of the united states should never leave those willing to sacrifice their lives in the cause of freedom wondering where america stands. as president, i will not. we need a president who folia understands that american never leads from behind. we cannot underestimate how pivotal this moment is in the least tern history. we need decisive, clear right leadership that is responsive to this historical moment of change in ways
barak fall, activist groups refused to meet with her. who can blame them? the forces we now need to succeed in egypt, the pro- democracy secular political party is, these are the very people president obamary clinton dismissed. the obama engagement policy in syria who led the administration to call the sheer allis not a reformer, even as his regime was shooting protesters dead in the street. president obama announced his plan to give them "alternative vision of himself. does anyone outside...